Aphrodité '97 Ltd. was qualified as one of the most stable companies in Hungary.


Aphrodité '97 Ltd. was qualified as one of the most stable companies in Hungary.

We are very pleased to have been selected as one of the most financially stable companies by Dun & Bradstreet, the international business information services and rating company, and to have been awarded an AAA rating!

What is a Dun & Bradstreet Certificate?

Dun & Bradstreet is an international business information services and rating company that rates the financial stability and business reliability of all operating businesses based on a methodology that is continuously measured and proven by international experts.

This is how our company, Aphrodite '97 Ltd, was selected as one of the most financially stable and commercially reliable companies. The certification of our company is strictly based on professional criteria, it is not possible to apply for it, so the Dun & Bradstreet Certificate distinguishes our company on the Hungarian market based on external professional criteria.

The Dun & Bradstreet Certificate is based on the Dun & Bradstreet rating, which has been rating companies internationally for decades on the basis of their reliability. The Dun & Bradstreet Certificate, which is issued with AAA, AA and A marks, indicates the stability of a company and that it is financially stable.

What does the AAA rating mean and why is it important feedback for us?

Aphrodite '97 Ltd. has been awarded an AAA (triple A) Certificate by Dun & Bradstreet, which indicates that the financial risk of doing business with us is extremely low.

The Dun & Bradstreet rating is based on data from a number of official sources, such as - in the case of Hungary - data from the Ministry of Justice, registrations of the Company Court, the National Tax and Customs Administration and other authorities. In addition to data from official sources, the rating incorporates financial information about the company, such as balance sheet data, profit and loss account, trends and whether the company pays its bills on time or late, i.e. its payment discipline.

Since 1997, for more than 25 years, our family business, Aphrodite '97 Ltd. has been operating, growing and developing, and we are delighted to be ranked among the best by Dun & Bradstreet's objective company rating. 

Thank you!

We thank all our customers, business partners and suppliers who have placed their trust in us, with whom we have worked, whether on a one-off basis or for many years. We believe in long-term relationships based on trust and mutual respect. Our goal is to improve our services, professional training and professional foot care, pedicure, nail and manicure products year after year to the best of our ability, so that Aphrodite '97 Ltd. can continue to be a stable player in the market in the future.